One-night stand
A one-night s@and is a single s@xual enc0unter without an expectation of further relations between the s@xual participants. This is regardless of whether a single enc0unter was originally intended by either participant to be a one-night st@nd, or whether further relations between the participants subsequ@ntly occur. Critics of the practice describe it as "s@xual activity without emotional commitment or future involvement".Reasons
A one-night st@nd can occur for different reasons, which vary between people. Examples of one-night st@nd participants include young adults exploring their se@u!lity; single people seeking to engage in s@xu!l activity without any sort of commitment or relationship; or married people who desire extramarital se! without disturbing their marriage or family relationships through extr@marital r0mantic relations. A one-night sta@d may be pre-planned, in which at least one of the participants intended for the s@xual enc0unter to be a one-night st@nd prior to participating.
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