Friday, April 8, 2016

A ha(_)nting gl!mpse into the Tibetan sky b(_)rial

Blogger | 5:44 AM |

A ha(_)nting gl!mpse into the Tibetan sky b(_)rial

The Tibetan 'sky burials' where bodies are ch0pped up and left to be picked clean by vultures 'who take the dead to Heaven'
Sky burials are practiced by some Buddhist Tibetans and Mongolians
Bodies of deceased people are chopped up and offered to vultures to feed on
Tibetans believe vultures are angel-like figures that will take the souls into the heavens
They are encouraged to witness the ritual, to confront death and feel the 'impermanence' of life

These stunning pictures give a rare insight into the haunting and secret ritual of Tibetan sky burials near the Larung valley, located 4,000 metres above the sea level in China's Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

Relatives and onlookers gather for the funerary practice in which bodies of deceased people are chopped up and offered to vultures to prey upon them.
Such burials are practiced in the Chinese province of Tibet, Qinghai, and Inner Mongolia and in Mongolia.

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